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Alphabetical list of Union Generals

Abercrombie, John Joseph
Allen, Robert
Alvord, Benjamin
Ames, Adelbert
Ammen, Jacob
Anderson, Robert
Andrews, Christopher Columbus
Andrews, George Leonard
Arnold, Lewis Golding
Arnold, Richard
Asboth, Alexander Sandor
Augur, Christopher Columbus
Averell, William Woods
Ayres, Romeyn Beck
Bailey, Joseph
Baird, Absalom
Baker, Lafayette C.
Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss
Barlow, Francis Channing
Barnard, John Gross
Barnes, James
Barnes, Joseph K.
Barnum, Henry Alanson
Barry, William Farquhar
Bartlett, Joseph Jackson
Bartlett, William Francis
Baxter, Henry
Bayard, George Dashiell
Beal, George Lafayette
Beatty, John
Beatty, Samuel
Belknap, William Worth
Benham, Henry Washington
Benton, William Plummer
Berry, Hiram George
Bidwell, Daniel Davidson
Birge, Henry Warner
Birney, David Bell
Birney, William
Blair, Francis Preston Jr.
Blenker, Ludwig
Blunt, James Gillpatrick
Bohlen, Heinrich
Bowen, James
Boyle, Jeremiah Tilford
Bradley, Luther Prentice
Bragg, Edward Stuyvesant
Brannan, John Milton
Brayman, Mason
Briggs, Henry Shaw
Brisbin, James Sanks
Brooke, John Rutter
Brooks, William Thomas Harbaugh
Brown, Egbert Benson
Brown, Harvey
Buchanan, Robert Christie
Buckingham, Catharinus Putnam
Buckland, Ralph Pomeroy
Buell, Don Carlos
Buford, John
Buford, Napoleon Bonaparte
Burbridge, Stephen Gano
Burnham, Hiram
Burns, William Wallace
Burnside, Ambrose Everett
Bussey, Cyrus
Busteed, Richard
Butler, Benjamin Franklin
Butterfield, Daniel
Cadwalader, George
Caldwell, John Curtis
Cameron, Robert Alexander
Campbell, Charles Thomas
Campbell, William Bowen
Canby, Edward Richard Sprigg
Carleton, James Henry
Carlin, William Passmore
Carr, Eugene Asa
Carr, Joseph Bradford
Carrington, Henry Beebee
Carroll, Samuel Sprigg
Carter, Samuel Powhatan
Casey, Silas
Catterson, Robert Francis
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence
Chambers, Alexander
Champlin, Stephen Gardner
Chapin, Edward Payson
Chapman, George Henry
Chetlain, Augustus Louis
Chrysler, Morgan Henry
Clark, William Thomas
Clay, Cassius Marcellus
Clayton, Powell
Clitz, Henry Boynton
Cluseret, Gustave Paul
Cochrane, John
Connor, Patrick Edward
Connor, Selden
Cook, John
Cooke, Philip St. George
Cooper, James
Cooper, Joseph Alexander
Copeland, Joseph Tarr
Corcoran, Michael
Corse, John Murray
Couch, Darius Nash
Cowdin, Robert
Cox, Jacob Dolson
Craig, James
Crawford, Samuel Wylie
Crittenden, Thomas Leonidas
Crittenden, Thomas Turpin
Crocker, Marcellus Monroe
Crook, George
Croxton, John Thomas
Cruft, Charles
Cullum, George Washington
Curtis, Newton Martin
Curtis, Samuel Ryan
Custer, George Armstrong
Cutler, Lysander
Dana, Napoleon Jackson Tecumseh
Davidson, John Wynn
Davies, Henry Eugene
Davies, Thomas Alfred
Davis, Edmund Jackson
Davis, Jefferson Columbus
Delafield, Richard
Dennis, Elias Smith
Dent, Frederick Tracy
Denver, James W.
De Russy, Gustavus Adolphus
De Trobriand, Régis
Devens, Charles Jr.
Devin, Thomas Casimer
Dewey, Joel A.
Deitzler, George Washington
Dix, John Adams
Dodge, Charles Cleveland
Dobler, John
Dodge, Grenville Mellen
Doolittle, Charles C.
Doubleday, Abner
Dow, Neal
Duffié, Alfred N.
Dumont, Ebenezer
Duryée, Abram
Duryée, Jacob Eugene
Duval, Isaac Hardin
Dwight, William
Dyer, Alexander Brydie
Eaton, Amos Beebe
Edwards, John
Edwards, Oliver
Egan, Thomas W.
Ellet, Alfred W.
Elliott, Washington Lafayette
Emory, William Hemsley
Estey, George Peabody
Eustis, Henry Lawrence
Ewing, Charles
Ewing, Hugh Boyle
Ewing, Thomas Jr.
Fairchild, Lucius
Farnsworth, Elon John
Farnsworth, John F.
Ferrero, Edward
Ferry, Orris S.
Fessenden, Francis
Fessenden, James Deering
Fisk, Clinton Bowen
Force, Manning F.
Forsyth, James W.
Foster, John G.
Foster, Robert Sanford
Franklin, William Buel
Fremont, John Charles
French, William H.
Fry, James Barnet
Fry, Speed S.
Fuller, John Wallace
Gamble, William
Garfield, James Abram
Garrard, Kenner
Garrard, Theophilus T.
Geary, John W.
Getty, George W.
Gibbon, John
Gibbs, Alfred
Gilbert, Charles Champion
Gilbert, James Isham
Gillem, Alvan Cullem
Gillmore, Quincy Adams
Gordon, George Henry
Gorman, Willis A.
Graham, Charles Kinnaird
Graham, Lawrence Pike
Granger, Gordon
Granger, Robert S.
Grant, Lewis A.
Grant, Ulysses S.
Greene, George Sears
Gregg, David McMurtrie
Gresham, Walter Q.
Grierson, Benjamin H.
Griffin, Charles
Griffin, Simon Goodell
Grose, William
Grover, Cuvier
Hackleman, Pleasant Adam
Halleck, Henry Wager
Hamblin, Joseph Eldridge
Hamilton, Andrew J.
Hamilton, Charles Smith
Hamilton, Schuyler
Hamlin, Cyrus
Hammond, William Alexander
Hancock, Winfield Scott
Hardie, James Allen
Hardin, Martin Davis
Harding, Abner Clark
Harker, Charles Garrison
Harland, Edward
Harney, William Selby
Harris, Thomas Maley
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrow, William
Hartranft, John F.
Hartsuff, George Lucas
Hascall, Milo Smith
Haskin, Joseph Abel
Hatch, Edward
Hatch, John Porter
Haupt, Herman
Hawkins, John Parker
Hawley, Joseph Roswell
Hayes, Joseph
Hayes, Rutherford Birchard
Haynie, Isham N.
Hays, Alexander
Hays, William
Hazen, William Babcock
Heckman, Charles Adam
Heintzelman, Samuel P.
Herron, Francis Jay
Hincks, Edward Winslow
Hitchcock, Ethan A.
Hobson, Edward H.
Holt, Joseph
Hooker, Joseph
Hovey, Alvin P.
Hovey, Charles Edward
Howard, Oliver Otis
Howe, Albion Parris
Howell, Joshua B.
Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson
Hunt, Henry Jackson
Hunt, Lewis Cass
Hunter, David
Hurlbut, Stephen A.
Ingalls, Rufus
Jackson, Conrad Feger
Jackson, James Streshly
Jackson, Nathaniel J.
Jackson, Richard Henry
Jameson, Charles Davis
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Richard W.
Jones, Patrick Henry
Judah, Henry M.
Kane, Thomas Leiper
Kautz, August Valentin
Kearny, Philip
Keim, William High
Kelley, Benjamin Franklin
Kenly, John Reese
Ketcham, John H.
Ketchum, William Scott
Keyes, Erasmus Darwin
Kiernan, James Lawlor
Kilpatrick, Hugh Judson
Kimball, Nathan
King, John Haskell
King, Rufus
Kirby, Edmund
Kirk, Edward Needles
Knipe, Joseph Farmer
Krzyzanowski, Wladimir
Lander, Frederick West
Lauman, Jacob G.
Lawler, Michael Kelly
Ledlie, James H.
Lee, Albert Lindley
Leggett, Mortimer Dormer
Lightburn, Joseph Andrew Jackson
Lockwood, Henry Hayes
Logan, John A.
Long, Eli
Lowell, Charles Russell
Lucas, Thomas John
Lyon, Nathaniel
Lytle, William Haines
Mackenzie, Ranald Slidell
Maltby, Jasper Adalmorn
Mansfield, Joseph King Fenno
Manson, Mahlon Dickerson
Marcy, Randolph B.
Marston, Gilman
Martindale, John Henry
Mason, John Sanford
Matthies, Karl Leopold
McArthur, John
McCall, George Archibald
McClellan, George Brinton
McClernand, John Alexander
McCook, Alexander McDowell
McCook, Daniel Jr.
McCook, Edward Moody
McCook, Robert Latimer
McDowell, Irvin
McGinnis, George Francis
McIntosh, John Baillie
McKean, Thomas Jefferson
McKinstry, Justus
McLean, Nathaniel Collins
McMillan, James Winning
McNeil, John
McPherson, James Birdseye
Meade, George Gordon
Meagher, Thomas Francis
Meigs, Montgomery Cunningham
Meredith, Solomon
Meredith, Sullivan Amory
Merritt, Wesley
Miles, Nelson Appleton
Miller, John Franklin
Miller, Stephen
Milroy, Robert H.
Mitchel, Ormsby MacKnight
Mitchell, John Grant
Mitchell, Robert Byington
Montgomery, William Reading
Moonlight, Thomas
Morell, George W.
Morgan, Charles Hale
Morgan, Edwin Denison
Morgan, George W.
Morgan, James Dada
Morris, William Hopkins
Morton, James St. Clair
Mott, Gershom
Mower, Joseph A.
Nagle, James
Naglee, Henry Morris
Negley, James S.
Neill, Thomas Hewson
Nelson, William
Newton, John
Nickerson, Franklin Stillman
Oglesby, Richard James
Oliver, John Morrison
Opdycke, Emerson
Ord, Edward O.C.
Orme, William Ward
Osborn, Thomas Ogden
Osterhaus, Peter Joseph
Owen, Joshua Thomas
Paine, Charles Jackson
Paine, Eleazar Arthur
Paine, Halbert E.
Palmer, Innis Newton
Palmer, John M.
Parke, John G.
Parsons, Lewis Baldwin
Patrick, Marsena Rudolph
Patterson, Francis Engle
Patterson, Robert
Paul, Gabriel Ren
Peck, John J.
Pennypacker, Galusha
Penrose, William Henry
Phelps, John S.
Phelps, John Wolcott
Piatt, Abram Sanders
Pierce, Byron Root
Pile, William A.
Pitcher, Thomas Gamble
Pleasonton, Alfred
Plummer, Joseph Bennett
Poe, Orlando Metcalfe
Pomutz, George
Pope, John
Porter, Andrew
Porter, Fitz-John
Potter, Edward Elmer
Potter, Joseph Haydn
Potter, Robert Brown
Potts, Benjamin Franklin
Powell, William Henry
Pratt, Calvin Edward
Prentiss, Benjamin Mayberry
Price, Samuel Woodson
Prince, Henry
Quinby, Isaac Ferdinand
Ramsay, George Douglas
Ransom, Thomas E.G.
Raum, Green Berry
Rawlins, John Aaron
Reid, Hugh Thompson
Reilly, James William
Reno, Jesse L.
Revere, Joseph Warren
Reynolds, John Fulton
Reynolds, Joseph J.
Rice, Americus V.
Rice, Elliott Warren
Rice, James Clay
Rice, Samuel Allen
Richardson, Israel Bush
Ricketts, James Brewerton
Ripley, James Wolfe
Roberts, Benjamin Sands
Robinson, James S.
Robinson, John C.
Rodman, Isaac Peace
Rosecrans, William Starke
Ross, Leonard Fulton
Rousseau, Lovell H.
Rowley, Thomas Algeo
Rucker, Daniel Henry
Ruger, Thomas H.
Russell, David Allen
Salomon, Friedrich K.
Sanborn, John Benjamin
Sanders, William Price
Saxton, Rufus
Scammon, Eliakim Parker
Schenck, Robert Cumming
Schimmelfennig, Alexander
Schoepf, Albin F.
Schofield, John McAllister
Schurz, Carl
Scott, Robert Kingston
Scott, Winfield
Sedgwick, John
Seward, William Henry Jr.
Seymour, Truman
Shackelford, James M.
Shaler, Alexander
Shepard, Isaac Fitzgerald
Shepley, George F.
Sheridan, Philip Henry
Sherman, Francis Trowbridge
Sherman, Thomas W.
Sherman, William Tecumseh
Shields, James
Sibley, Henry Hastings
Sickles, Daniel Edgar
Sigel, Franz
Sill, Joshua W.
Slack, James Richard
Slemmer, Adam Jacoby
Slocum, Henry Warner
Slough, John P.
Smith, Andrew Jackson
Smith, Charles Ferguson
Smith, Giles A.
Smith, Green Clay
Smith, Gustavus A.
Smith, John Eugene
Smith, Morgan Lewis
Smith, Thomas Church Haskell
Smith, Thomas Kilby
Smith, William Farrar
Smith, William Sooy
Smyth, Thomas Alfred
Spears, James Gallant
Spinola, Francis Barretto
Sprague, John Wilson
Stahel, Julius
Stanley, David Sloane
Stannard, George Jerrison
Starkweather, John Converse
Steedman, James Blair
Steele, Frederick
Stevens, Isaac Ingalls
Stevenson, John Dunlap
Stevenson, Thomas Greely
Stokes, James Hughes
Stolbrand, Carl Johan
Stone, Charles Pomeroy
Stoneman, George
Stoughton, Edwin H.
Strong, George Crockett
Strong, William Kerley
Stuart, David
Stumbaugh, Frederick Shearer
Sturgis, Samuel Davis
Sullivan, Jeremiah Cutler
Sully, Alfred
Sumner, Edwin Vose
Swayne, Wager
Sweeny, Thomas William
Sykes, George
Taylor, George William
Taylor, Joseph Pannell
Taylor, Nelson
Terrill, William R.
Terry, Alfred Howe
Terry, Henry Dwight
Thayer, John Milton
Thomas, George Henry
Thomas, Henry Goddard
Thomas, Lorenzo
Thomas, Stephen
Thruston, Charles Mynn
Tibbits, William B.
Tillson, Davis
Todd, John Blair Smith
Torbert, Alfred Thomas Archimedes
Totten, Joseph Gilbert
Tower, Zealous Bates
Turchaninov, Ivan V.
Turner, John Wesley
Tuttle, James Madison
Tyler, Daniel
Tyler, Erastus B.
Tyler, Robert Ogden
Tyndale, Hector
Ullmann, Daniel
Underwood, Adin Ballou
Upton, Emory
Van Alen, James Henry
Van Cleve, Horatio Phillips
Van Derveer, Ferdinand
Vandever, William
Van Vliet, Stewart
Van Wyck, Charles H.
Veatch, James C.
Viele, Egbert Ludovicus
Vincent, Strong
Vinton, Francis Laurens
Vogdes, Israel
Von Steinwehr, Adolph W.
Voris, Alvin Coe
Wade, Melancthon S.
Wadsworth, James S.
Wagner, George Day
Walcutt, Charles C.
Wallace, Lewis
Wallace, William Harvey Lamb
Ward, John Henry Hobart
Ward, William Thomas
Warner, James M.
Warren, Fitz-Henry
Warren, Gouverneur Kemble
Washburn, Cadwallader Colden
Watkins, Louis Douglass
Webb, Alexander S.
Weber, Max
Webster, Joseph Dana
Weed, Stephen Hinsdale
Weitzel, Godfrey
Wells, William
Welsh, Thomas
Wessells, Henry Walton
West, Joseph R.
Wheaton, Frank
Whipple, Amiel Weeks
Whipple, William Denison
Whitaker, Walter Chiles
White, Julius
Wild, Edward A.
Willcox, Orlando Bolivar
Williams, Alpheus Starkey
Williams, David Henry
Williams, Nelson Grosvenor
Williams, Seth
Williams, Thomas
Williamson, James Alexander
Willich, August
Wilson, James H.
Wistar, Isaac J.
Wood, Thomas J.
Woodbury, Daniel Phineas
Woods, Charles Robert
Woods, William Burnham
Wool, John Ellis
Wright, George
Wright, Horatio Gouverneur
Zook, Samuel Kosciuszko

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